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Archive for November 2008

Success and failure are two sides of a same Coin.

Success is different from one’s point of view may be considered as failure for one.

Since all success cost something to loose first, you have to work hard, going from so much hassles, obstacles, hurdle, to do something you have planned.

And finally we reach to get some success in terms of- name, fame, money.. or may be A complete satisfaction for doing the task, accomplishing the thing which we desire to do.

Om Shanti Om

Om Shanti Om

There are different parameter and paradigm of success in each person eye.

All of us felt happy and out of world when we get success after doing something for which we are crazy to do.

My personal feeling for success I wish to share with all of you who are been reading this and appreciate my work here:

I have been very much depressed during my 12th Class exams and got ill, this had turned to be far reaching effects in my whole life till date. But I soon recover from my depression and able to get a I class Division in the exams after an year.

When I enter to the college, found all around rich boys n girls belonging to so called High Society, getting a good percentage in their Board Exam.

But fails in the college and just doing freak out in there.

After getting TOP in a row during my graduations, I was feeling TOP OF WORLD — not think for the future to what I can achieve with this or can utilise this success in other field.

After going for my first job, then I realize that this success is not a worth, as a 10th Pass (matriculation) done boy can do the same thing which I was doing there in the market.

There again I have to struggle hard and to achieve success in Career, dont know where I am right now (but I feel I have achieve which I mostly want some good name and Fame with a good friend circle, a good reputation in the society and offcourse some livlihood for my self and my family.

Its all about having Confidence, Patience and to look around yourself (what you have till, not to look over that what you not have)

As all of us pray to God, but dont ever came to know that:

God Give us that what we need, but we pray to God for all we want.

Ok, thats enough to share my views with you for the success. I hope I will get back to you soon, with more interesting and thoughtful experience of mine.

Till then, Good Bye n Have a Positive Attribute toward life

Puneet Jain

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November 2008